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Divine Help According to God's Mercy: Enabling Divine Enlargement

 Divine Help According to God's Mercy: Enabling Divine Enlargement

Scripture Reading: Psalms 109:26-27

"Help me, O Lord my God! Oh, save me according to Your mercy, That they may know that this is Your hand— That You, Lord, have done it!" - Psalms 109:26-27 (NKJV)

Divine help, granted through God's boundless mercy, stands as a radiant pathway for Christians seeking to achieve divine enlargement. In the pursuit of spiritual growth and expansion, the significance of divine assistance cannot be overstated. Help, in its essence, serves to facilitate and contribute to the realization of tasks and needs, underlining its role as a facilitator of God's grand plan.

Understanding Divine Help and God's Mercy:

Divine help, as defined, is the catalyst that makes the impossible possible. It paves the way, lends strength, and cooperates effectively with individuals to fulfill tasks and satisfy needs. This help is intricately intertwined with God's mercy, which is His compassion for the suffering. It is through His mercy that divine assistance is bestowed upon His children.

Five Essential Aspects of Divine Help According to God's Mercy:

  1. Appointed and Approved Origin: Anything originating from God bears the seal of His approval. Divine help is appointed by God and carries His divine endorsement, ensuring its authenticity and significance in our journey.
  2. Originality and Dependability: God's help is original, unlike anything the world can offer. It stands as a reliable foundation upon which we can build our lives, as it is rooted in the unchanging nature of our Creator.
  3. Appreciable Nature: Divine help is worthy of appreciation. Ephesians 2:4 reminds us of God's rich mercy, a sentiment that underscores His immense love for His creation. This love manifests in the form of help, a tangible expression of His care.
  4. Sustaining Power: Divine help has the remarkable ability to sustain not only individuals but also generations to come. Luke 1:50 emphasizes this enduring aspect of God's assistance, extending its impact to future lineages.
  5. Supernatural Influence: Divine help is not confined to the natural realm. Its supernatural nature transcends human understanding. Romans 11:31-32 highlights the interconnectedness of divine mercy and human compassion, offering hope that our demonstration of mercy can trigger a chain reaction of blessings for others.

Embracing Divine Help:

To harness the full potential of divine help according to God's mercy:

  • §  Recognize and appreciate the appointed and approved nature of God's assistance in your life.
  • §  Trust in the originality and unwavering dependability of His help.
  • §  Gratefully receive the appreciable blessings that flow from God's rich mercy.
  • §  Rest in the sustaining power of divine help, knowing that it extends beyond your lifetime.
  • §  Embrace the supernatural influence of God's assistance, allowing it to shape your actions and interactions with others.

In Conclusion:

Divine help, a product of God's unfathomable mercy, serves as a catalyst for divine enlargement. This help is not only appointed and original but also appreciable, sustaining, and supernaturally impactful. As recipients of this divine assistance, we have the privilege to pass on the blessings of mercy through our own acts of compassion. Let us bask in the radiance of God's mercy, allowing His help to shape our paths and bring about the divine enlargement we seek.

Prayer Points of Divine Help According to God's Mercy

Here are 20 prayer points focused on seeking divine help according to God's mercy:

  1. Heavenly Father, I approach Your throne of mercy, seeking Your divine assistance in every area of my life.
  2. Lord, I acknowledge that all help comes from You. I place my trust in Your unwavering mercy and grace.
  3. Father, let Your appointed and approved help manifest in my life, aligning me with Your divine plan, in the name of Jesus
  4. Lord, I declare that Your help is original and dependable. I reject any counterfeit assistance from the enemy.
  5. God of mercy, I appreciate Your love and care for me. Pour out Your blessings of help upon me in abundance.
  6. Merciful God, sustain me and my family through Your divine help, extending its impact to generations to come, in the name of Jesus
  7. Heavenly Father, let Your supernatural help overshadow every challenge and obstacle that I face, in the name of Jesus
  8. Lord, empower me to demonstrate Your mercy and compassion to others, becoming a vessel of divine help to those in need.
  9. Father, open doors of opportunity and favor that align with Your plans for my life.
  10. Merciful Savior, release divine provision and resources to support me on this journey of faith, in the name of Jesus
  11. Almighty God, let Your divine assistance shield me from the snares of the enemy and guide my steps toward victory.
  12. Heavenly Father, may Your divine help lead me to breakthroughs and achievements beyond my own abilities, in the name of Jesus
  13. Lord, as I seek Your help, may Your glory shine through my life as a testimony of Your mercy.
  14. Merciful God, I cast my cares and worries upon You, knowing that Your help is available in times of need, in the name of Jesus
  15. Father, cleanse me from any bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness that may hinder Your help from flowing in my life, in the name of Jesus
  16. Heavenly Father, I pray for divine wisdom and discernment to recognize the opportunities You provide through Your help in the name of Jesus
  17. Lord, strengthen my faith to lean on Your mercy and trust in Your perfect timing for my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus
  18. Merciful Savior, break every chain of limitation and hindrance that might obstruct Your divine help in my life, in the name of Jesus
  19. Heavenly Father, I declare that I am a recipient of Your mercy and a conduit of Your help to others in need, in the name of Jesus
  20. Lord, as I walk in Your mercy and embrace Your divine help, let my life radiate Your glory and draw others closer to You.
  21. May these prayer points align your heart with God's mercy and open the channels for His divine help to flow abundantly in your life, in the name of Jesus

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